Monday 21 January 2008

The clinic

My RH ring finger A2 is sore, very sore. Can this be down to scar tissue? I'm really not sure, it is however really starting to piss me off. I WANT to climb, I've spent long enough taking it easy and doing rings etc.
When this problem first appeared I went to 'The Clinic' night at the works and rick carried out some tests on my finger saying it was most likely scar tissue as when the finger was curved, applying pressure didn't make me scream in agony. It now does. Maybe its time for a follow-up appointment or maybe it's time to shell out for them to do something with it (ultrasound or acupuncture potentially). Or maybe I've just been fiddling with it too much (my finger that is).
To be honest I haven't a clue what to do, which isn't a new feeling.


Jasper said...

Don't know about The Clinic (although have heard they're pretty good) but Steve Hodgson at this place.... ........has sorted out a few problems for me recently and I can't recommend him highly enough. He's used to dealing with climbers.

Paul Bennett said...

Cheers, I'll look into it.

Unknown said...

i agree. he was really straight down the line with me when i damaged my fingers and elbows a few years back. he also lectures at the uni for physio and huff held him in high regard. some bird called alison, (i've forgotten her name is supposed to be good too) sorry to hear about the finger beast.

Paul Bennett said...

Cheers, although I'm really not sure what's going on with it...I climbed absolutely fine last night.

Please disregard anything you read on this page. It's all just random thoughts and opinions based on very little. Therefore it's not worth getting upset about. In fact; just don't bother reading it, it'd make life easier for everyone involved.