Sunday 10 June 2007


Had my 1st and last exam of the semester this Friday, it didn't go very well at all, the computational quesiton was completely different from anything we had previously done and it confused the hell out of me leaving me flustered for the rest of the exam, never mind but hardly a good was to end four years of Uni, after that the other four members of my course (thats not too many to make it from start to finish) seemed to disappear so Nat and I went for a few drinks to celebrate/commiserate.
Went to the gym yesterday, it's feeling good and i'm feeling fairly strong at the moment which is good. I can actually shoulder press somewhere near a normal human being now. Started swimming after my sessions which didn't feel so good at first, the resistance of the water was mildly painful on my ankle, a few sessions in and it seems to be getting a lot better. I never really realised how much swimming uses certan muscles until now, swimming after a full workout everything feels toasted right from the start.
Today Nat went down the works, finally completing the last green on the circuit and doing a few of the juggy (but steep) problems on the comp wall, which was a good effort. Really can't wait to get back now, some of the problems look like they'll be enjoyable as i'm getting back to full strength.
There was a fair battle on UKB this week which basically boils down to training people against the non-believers, I can't quite fathom what it is that makes people believe its not relevant? Is it the 'I can get up some hard stuff and I can't do one' attitude, I sincerely hope not. People can believe what they want but history prooves my point, ALL the best climbers throughout time (except maybe the Dawes, he's a little 'special' anyway), trained and could do one armers. Take a look at any other sport and its obvious that training equals progression, why should climbing be any different?
Tomorrow i'm off on my Hols for two weeks to the Maldives, looking forward to lounging about somewhere other than Sheffield. When I get back its only one and a bit weeks until i'm good to start again.
Right... better pack.

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